Product Description Price Purchase
M-Brush 5.0.0
Personal Version
The downloadable installation .exe file (about 60MB) of M-Brush 5.0.0 Personal Version for Windows (32-bit and 64-bit Edition of 7, 8, 10 and 11), including all programs, resource files and content files of sample works. $49.95
(you save $20.00!,
40% off)
Download, install, try (free) and then buy registration code(s) to register M-Brush (registration codes are delivered by email to anywhere with internet connection).

It's $29.95 right now!

M-Brush 5.0.5
Calligraphy & Painting
Teaching Edition
M-Brush 5.0.5 Calligraphy & Painting Teaching Edition, downloaded for Windows (32-bit and 64-bit Edition of 7, 8, 10 and 11), compatible with graphics tablet supporting WinTab. Depended on amount of copies ordered Please contact us:
Contact Us
Calligraphy Teaching Edition
M-Brush Calligraphy Teaching Edition, downloaded for Windows (32-bit and 64-bit Edition of 7, 8, 10 and 11), compatible with graphics tablet supporting WinTab. Depended on amount of copies ordered Please contact us:
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Painting Teaching Edition
M-Brush Painting Teaching Edition, downloaded for Windows (32-bit and 64-bit Edition of 7, 8, 10 and 11), compatible with graphics tablet supporting WinTab. Depended on amount of copies ordered Please contact us:
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M-Brush Customized Edition
M-Brush Customized Edition, based on M-Brush 5.0.5 and the special requirements of intergrator, downloaded for Windows (32-bit and 64-bit Edition of 7, 8, 10 and 11), compatible with graphics tablet supporting WinTab. Depended on customization
and amount of copies ordered
Please contact us:
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Comparison of Functions and Features of M-Brush Versions

Function/Feature 5.0.0
(Personal Calligraphy and Painting Version)
(Calligraphy and Painting Teaching Version)
(Calligraphy Teaching Version)
(Painting Teaching Version)
Wet and dry ink, dynamic effects;
Work files or pictures saving, printing;
Frame configuation, virtual paper, virtual ink;
Stroke Undo, Redo, Delete, Scale;
Playing the whole work or part of it with speed;
Work size setting, multiple interface modes
(simple screen, regular screen, full screen, desktop);
Multiple layers, stroke scaling, rotation, editing;
Background image loading, rotation, scaling, shifting;
Picture outline, stroke copy, paste;
Opening a work or picture.
Brushes, pens, pencils,
soft and hard erasers, stamps, text, selection
Drawing, painting, recording and replaying of works
Tilt sensing (flank)
Supporting stand-alone registration
Backup Brushes

(calligraphy, ink, watercolor , oil painting, sketch, chalk, current use, import)

(calligraphy, ink, watercolor , oil painting, sketch, chalk, crayon, cartoon, current use, import)

(calligraphy, current use, Import)

(calligraphy, ink, watercolor , oil painting, sketch, chalk, crayon, cartoon, current use, import)
Supporting 4K display resolution
(up to 7680x4320 pixels)

(additional charge required)

Co-existence of multiple works,
adjustment of menu & tools position
Oil paint brush, airbrush, special effects
Crayons, marker, dry ink pen, color picker,
color filler & graphics tools
Dual starters
(Supporting super-sized works, can use up to 3.2G memory)
Supporting campus version (classroom version)
(server programs are charged separately)
Calligraphy teaching (regular script "Jiucheng Palace")
Calligraphy grids
Copy desk pattern for calligraphy
Couplet format
Work commentary recording (text or audio)
Classroom Interaction and Demonstration
Upload calligraphy and painting assignments to the server, share calligraphy and painting resources from the server and automatically explore default classroom, etc.
(Server Edition)

(Server Edition)

(Server Edition)